World Energy Council Netherlands

World Energy Council Netherlands (WEC NL) is an independent organization composed of members working in business, institutions, universities, associations, or as experts in the energy sector. The diversity of members ensures broad representation.

World Energy Council Netherlands (WEC NL) is part of the international World Energy Council network. We represent the Dutch perspective within national, regional, and global energy debates. We also work with the professionals of tomorrow: the Future Energy Leaders.

Our mission

The Dutch government has set a strong goal: the Netherlands must be climate-neutral by 2050. We take our responsibility by bringing together the government, NGOs, and financiers from across the energy sector. Only through collaboration can we achieve and even accelerate the energy transition.

Our vision

We work together with the government, NGOs, industry, consumers, and academia to promote sustainable energy development in the Netherlands and solve energy problems, thereby helping to accelerate the energy transition.


WEC Netherlands’ primary goal is to promote sustainable energy development in the Netherlands.

We place local energy challenges in a broader and international perspective, including expected elements of the energy transition such as: fuel mix, including gas, gas-to-liquid, sustainable gas extraction, digitalization (smart and digital solutions), market design and development, including the security and affordability of energy supply.

Get to know our board members

The energy transition is a system transition and requires an integral approach. System integration of electrons and molecules provides the most robust solution for the future energy system.
Rene Peters
Rene Peters Board member, World Energy Council Netherlands